Monday, January 24, 2011

I am very moved today by the music of Tom Booth.  This morning I wasn't feeling to well.  My stomach was really bothering me.  I had terrible heartburn.  I still have a little of it. 

I decided to turn on Tom Booth's C.D. of  "Cry The Gospel".  Now, I am questioning why I feel so depressed and worried about what is in the future.  God has always been by my side.  Today, I feel lost and alone.

I need to put my trust in God!  In less than five months Tom and I will make our profession as Secular Franciscans.  Lord, am I worthy to be a Secular Franciscan?  Do you think I am ready?   I am questioning my soul and spirit. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I haven't journaled since December 2nd.  I have been depressed.  My husband and I have been trying to teach Religious Education to fourth, fifth and sixth graders.  We keep running head on into a teacher who does not want to be a team player.  My husband has put his whole heart and soul into preparing a Sacramental Preparation Program for these students.  It is an outstanding program.  Our Religious Education Coordinator really is happy with the Program.  I am so proud of my husband for taking the bull by the horns and developing such an awesome program. 

There are four teachers on the Religious Ed. team for the fourth, fifth and sixth graders.  Three of the teachers are working very well together.  This other teacher is fighting us tooth and nail.  Tom, my husband, is getting very angry about it.  He has been taking it out on me.  I'm not handling it to well.  I have been trying to put myself and Tom in God's hands.  I just keep getting very angry with this teacher.  I just want to shake her and tell her to just grow up.  I want to yell at her to make her understand that we are do all this for the kids, not for ourselves and not for any glory.  We have discussed this problem with our R. E. Coordinator.  She is trying to be very supportive.  I think that we are going to have to have her talk to this teacher with week.  Every time Tom or I tried to teach this past week, she interrupted us, right in the middle of the lesson.  It is very upsetting.

We are currently in formation for the Secular Franciscans.  We are trying to be patient and kind.  We are trying to follow in the footsteps of St. Francis to Christ.  We are trying to go from Life to Gospel and Gospel to Life.  I can not handle this teacher's attitude. 

God help me to be loving.  Please help me to be open to your will.  You are God and I am not!